What is Baby Makaton?

Makaton is a simplified sign language perfectly developed for babies and young children. It uses signs (& symbols) alongside speech to help teach communication before babies are able to speak. As babies are able to communicate it helps reduce frustration and even tantrums as they’re able to express the feelings, wants & wishes more easily. What’s more, as it stimulates the brains communication centre it also helps to develop speech as they’re so well connected in the brain. 

Makaton is widely used in schools and nurseries and is a standard set of signs unlike baby sign which can vary between providers so this can be useful as your little one grows & is able to communicate with others too. Baby Makaton is designed to be used alongside speech while signing the key words meaning its simplicity makes it easier for both parents & babies to learn. It uses the same grammar system as speech and signs in the order we speak making it much quicker to learn. 

Makaton is a fantastic tool to aid bonding as parent & baby can communicate together, create shared experiences and deeper connection between parent & baby. It encourages interaction between both parties and builds that connection, confidence, trust & understanding. 

When is the best time to start teaching my baby to sign? The earlier you start the better & consistency is key. We teach the parent during our classes so no baby is too young or old to join us. From birth – 6 months babies are enjoying watching and learning from your face, actions, signs & speech while building that strong bond. From 6-9 months babies are beginning to be able to recognise signs and a great time to really start being consistent with using signs on key words with your baby. From 9-12 months babies may begin to attempt some signs themselves and beyond a year they will be able to pick up new signs quite quickly.

It really is magic to watch your baby sign back to you and begin to communicate with them in this way. Our classes are fun & interactive with lots of songs, games, stories & bubbles to engage and entertain little people. Come & join us next term…