Why Baby Massage is your secret weapon for sleepless nights 

If you’ve ever found yourself struggling to calm an upset baby, uncertain what’s going on and wondering how on earth to get little one to sleep… baby massage might be for you!

It is such a powerful and simple tool when used well to help calm & soothe your baby and relax them into deep sleep. Massage helps to release oxytocin for both parent and baby with all that lovely skin contact to increase that bond & help babies feel secure and loved. 

Massage lowers cortisol levels to help reduce stress and relax baby (and here is your helpful hint to book yourself in for some self care massage too!) When done in the evening, in a dimly lit room massage can help to promote the production of melatonin the sleep hormone!

Not only is massage a wonderful way to connect with your baby, create some memories and enjoy time together it also has some real benefits for you both. A short massage in the early evening can be the key to a more restful evening for your baby and better night time sleep.

As a parent it’s so useful to have tools up your sleeve and learning baby massage might be the perfect place to start. And there’s no need to stop as your little one grows, wriggly babies can still be engaged in a massage while holding simple toys, using songs & rhymes or telling stories at the same time. 

And you never know, if you keep going long enough you might teach them the skills that they eventually return the favour and enjoy giving you a simple face, back or hand massage too! Join us soon to learn everything you need to know in the most nurturing & supportive community of mums…